Pouzdra z nerezové oceli, LED, laser nebo infračervené světelné zdroje s různou geometrii světelných bodů a několika typy připojení umožňují spolehlivě a hospodárně řešit aplikace v obalových systémech, obráběcích strojích nebo v automobilovém průmyslu.
I letos bude Application Park jedním z vrcholů veletrhu HANNOVER MESSE. Ukáže inteligentní robotické systémy, zařízení autonomního řízení v provozu, nejnovější aplikace umělé inteligence v robotice, nástroje pro rozpoznávání obrazu a virtuální platformy.
Součástí nabídky společnosti Schunk nejsou jen uchopovače pro průmyslová robotická ramena, ale i sofistikované upínací systémy pro obrábění. Pro letošní nový rok 2025 Schunk například vylepšil svůj magnetický upínací systém MAGNOS MFRS pro 5stranné obrábění.
Robotika přitahuje i opravdu velké technologické společnosti, jako jsou Siemens, Google, Bosch a v současné době i NVIDIA. Její vývojáři oznámili vznik 2. verze nástrojů generativní umělé inteligence pro vylepšení funkcí vnímání robotického systému ROS. Základem je platforma NVIDIA Jetson.
Chcete posunout hranice svého řešení? Jednotky Unipi Gate založené na čtyřjádrovém procesoru ARM A53 o frekvenci 600 MHz nově disponují 1 GB RAM typu DDR4 a 32 GB eMMC úložištěm. Cena produktu zůstává stejná.
S minimálním průřezem 28 x 30 mm jsou tyto výrobky jednou z nejmenších světelných závor na trhu, které mají navíc všechny integrované bezpečnostní funkce.
The LIN is a new bus technology which brings a more possibilities. The main field of usability is the vehicle industry. It should be considered as the low-cost alternative to a CAN (Controlled Area Network) bus. The both - CAN and LIN - are usable in several industries not only in the car industry. The low-cost and wide applicability has been the main reason for the LIN development. The LIN bus seems like a good solution and we can expect a big advancement of the technology.
Industrial plants comprise many devices interconnected in different ways: simple data collection units without any built-in intelligence, more intelligent devices such as sensors with built-in intelligence, single-loop controllers or programmable controllers and supervisory systems. Bluetooth wireless technology is potentially useful for all of these.
Realterm is a terminal program specially designed for capturing, controlling and debugging binary and other difficult data streams. It is far better for debugging comms than Hyperterminal. It has no support for dialing modems, BBS etc - that is what hyperterminal does.
Usefull and small terminal emulation program for the Serial port communication. It's working with seven com ports, you can use Transmit Macros. This program is free - download it.
Power Over Ethernet (PoE) also called Power Over Lan (PoL), is one of existing possibilities how to transport data and supply voltage to Ethernet device by already existing net of cabling CAT5 for computer networks (10 Mbit/s and 100 Mbit/s).This standard, which will probably define the future development of Ethernet devices, was finished and authorized in last year’s June as a standard IEEE802.3af.
ISDN is replacing our old analog phones and offers a lot of new services. It is the easy way how to transmit voice and data simultaneously at the same time using an andvantages of a digital communication. Now I want to explain you, how does it really work.
PS2 connector is in these day present almost in every computer. It is used to connect keyboard or mouse (or some else pointing device). This article contains information about connection, communication (host-to-device and device-to-host) over ps2 port and also about coding of keyboard
Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) uses existing twisted pair telephone lines to create access paths for high-speed data communications and transmits at speeds up to 8.1Mbps to a subscriber. This article explains the basic function of ADSL transceivers and their modulation scheme.
Why you should use the Java for Embedded Systems? Java is a modern object-oriented programming language. Java allows for direct implementation of the analysis and design models. Here is a few Java devlopment tools for Embedded systems.
A full-featured simulator for serious analog designers. Sophisticated, internal models allow you to simulate everything from high-frequency systems to low-power IC designs. Draw on the expansive library of models to create off-the-shelf parts, or create models for new devices. Fully explore the relationships in your design with "what if" scenarios before committing to final implementation.